PTA Race Night

5th December 2016


Are holding a Fundraising Race Night at 7pm on Saturday 11th March 2017 at the Ashvale Restaurant. Tickets are £15.00 which includes a meal.

There will be races where you can place bets. There will also be raffles & prizes (donations welcome).

The racing section of the evening will have 8 races, with a chance to sponsor a race for £50.00. There will be 8 horses riding in each race. You can purchase a horse for £5.00. Prizes to be won.

If you would like to attend this event or sponsor any of the above please contact us either by email at by Friday 9th December 2016.

Give your –


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How many tickets required:


Money raised from this event will be used towards social areas & library.

Many thanks on behalf of the PTA