Please find attached a briefing note regarding the Foundation Apprenticeships that are available via NESCol for AY 17-19.
These are a fantastic opportunity for pupils to gain accredited industry recognised qualifications and work based learning whilst remaining at school for S5 and S6. Pupils who select a Foundation Apprenticeship alongside school based Senior Phase qualifications have the opportunity to progress to University, College, employment or with advanced entry into an MA. The enhancement to CV’s and Personal Statements resulting from the accredited and extended Work Based Learning is considerable!
Applications are now open, with a closing date of Friday 24th March. The options available in our area are:
FA Engineering | Aberdeen City Campus (with PEO Elements delivered at Altens) | Wed 0930 – 1530 |
FA Engineering | Aberdeen City Campus (with PEO Elements delivered at Altens) | Mon & Wed 1.30pm – 4.30pm |
FA IT Hardware/System Support | Aberdeen City Campus | Mon & Wed 2pm – 5pm |
FA Business | Aberdeen City Campus | Tues & Thurs 2pm – 5pm |
FA Social Care and Healthcare | Aberdeen City Campus | Mon & Wed 2pm – 5pm |
FA Children and Young People | Aberdeen City Campus | Tues & Thurs 2pm – 5pm |
FA Creative and Digital Media | Aberdeen City Campus | Mon & Wed 2pm – 5pm |
I would like to ask that you encourage interested pupils to attend the most appropriate information evening for them, either Tuesday 7th March at Aberdeen City Campus. We will be implementing a process to capture the number of expected attendees at these events.
For more info on the FA’s available in the North East please see link below:
For the application form, please see link below: