Senior Phase Learner Pathways evening.
All S4 and S5 pupils with their parent/carers were warmly invited our Senior Phase Learner Pathways evening on Wednesday 1 March 2017
The key goal of the evening was for our pupils to select the right courses, enjoy learning in the Senior Phase and achieve a strong set of examination results. We restructured the traditional course choice evening to a much more interactive event to aid this process.
The evening allowed both parents and pupils to talk with employers, teachers, further and higher education providers and ask any specific questions.
Overall the evening was a success and we were supported by the following company’s and further & higher education providers:
- Ernst and Young (Finance)
- Anderson, Anderson and Brown
- ITCA (Engineering training provider)
- Bond Dickinson
- Army
- Royal Navy
- John Clark Motor Group
- Aberdeenshire Council
- Grampian Credit Union (Finance)
- Barnardos
- Skene Street Dental
- Skills Development Scotland
- North East Scotland College
- Aberdeen University
- Robert Gordon’s University
- Edinburgh University
We also had our 9 subject faculties at AGS and members of staff from them represented and on hand to answer questions about courses on offer and pathways that pupils may follow.
Faculties represented:
Art, Design and Technology Business, Enterprise and ICT
English and Literacy Humanities
Health and Well-being Maths and Numeracy
Modern Languages Performing Arts
General Support and advice will be available from:
Principal Teachers Pupil Support
Senior Management Team
Tags: DYW