Dear Parent/Carer
Please be advised that our inspection report has now been published on the Education Scotland website. This link will take you straight to the Summary of Inspection Findings (SIF).
The inspection was a rigorous experience and covered all aspects of school life. I am delighted with the report and the fact it recognises our hard work as a school community. Our young people should be rightly proud of their own individual achievements and of their school. I am fortunate to have a team of staff always willing to go the extra mile for our pupils. It is this dedication which allows us to achieve and attain as well as we do. Moreover, I value highly the contribution you as parents make by supporting your child and recognising the importance of education as a stepping stone to future success.
I will write with an end of term update which will include key information and this will be on the website by the end of this week.
With kindest regards
Ms Murison
Head Teacher