S2 Girls interested in Engineering

2nd October 2019

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Young WEIR-WISE:  Discovering Engineering with S2 Girls

20 – 21 January 2020 and 23 – 24 January 2020

Applications Now Open!

Following the success of the Young WEIR-WISE: Discovering Engineering with S2 Girls outreach programme which saw 100 S2 girls take part in a variety of Engineering challenges here at the University of Strathclyde in January 2019, I am delighted to inform you that the programme will be running again in January 2020.

The programme is again being delivered in collaboration with the Weir Group – one of Scotland’s oldest and best-known global engineering companies, with a current workforce of 14,000.  50 girls will be invited to attend from 20-21 January 2020 and a second group of 50 girls will be invited to attend from 23-24 January 2020. The attached leaflet provides further information on the 2-day programme and we ask that you bring this to the attention of S2 girls, particularly those that have a talent for mathematics or physical sciences.

The programme is fully-funded by the Weir Group and all student costs, including a contribution towards travel costs, will be covered. The programme is non-residential and therefore pupils should be able to make their way each day to the Strathclyde University Campus in the heart of Glasgow City Centre. Teachers are not required to accompany pupils.  For the pupils’ convenience, we will arrange for Mentors to accompany pupils from and to Queen Street train station, Glasgow Central train station and Buchanan Bus Station at the start and end of each day.

Pupils should apply using the online application form available at the website as detailed in the attached leaflet. The deadline for applications is Wednesday 30 October 2019 and pupils will be sent a confirmation email upon receipt of their application. The selection panel will meet early in November and all applicants will be informed of the outcome of their application on Friday 15 November 2019. In the application form, pupils are asked to supply the name and contact details for a teacher who can provide a statement in support of their application. Teachers will receive an automated email which will include a designated link to the online application in order to submit their statement. Successful applicants will be informed as to which of the dates they have been allocated to attend (either 20-21 January OR 23-24 January 2020). Please note that applicants will be allocated to a specific date by the Young WEIR-WISE organizing committee and this date will be final – changes cannot be made following the allocation.

Please inform your Guidance Teacher if you are applying.

If you would like any further information on the programme, please contact us by email at:
