GRAHAM – Baird & ANCHOR Insight Visit

15th December 2021

A group of AGS pupils had the opportunity to visit the Graham Construction project at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary on Monday the 13th of December, as an Insight visit into the construction industry.

They had a site visit of both the Baird Family Hospital & The Anchor Centre sites currently under construction and the biggest project of its kind currently underway in Scotland.

Two Graduate apprentices who left school to start their apprenticeships also highlighted the various key skills needed as well as routes into this industry the three main ones that they are involved in being:

  • Foundation Apprenticeships
  • Modern Apprenticeships 
  • Graduate Apprenticeships 

It was a very worthwhile visit with the different routes into the industry very well highlighted as well as highlighting construction as a lucrative opportunity should they choose to enter this line of employment in the future.  

Many thanks to Graham Construction for supporting the visit!