National 5 Drama


National 5 Drama provides opportunities for learners to develop skills creating and presenting drama. This Course focuses on the development and use of a range of drama skills and production skills to present drama.

This Course is practical and experiential.

The aims of the Course are to enable learners to:

  • generate and communicate thoughts and ideas when creating drama
  • develop a knowledge and understanding of a range of social and cultural influences on drama
  • develop a range of skills in presenting drama
  • develop knowledge, understanding and the use of a range of production skills when presenting drama
  • explore form, structure, genre and style

As learners develop practical skills creating and presenting drama, they will also develop knowledge and understanding of cultural and social influences on drama. Learners will analyse and evaluate how the use of self-expression, language and movement can develop their ideas for drama. Learners will develop critical thinking skills as they investigate, develop and apply a range of drama skills.

Course Details

The pupils have the choice at the end of the course as to how they wish to be assessed practically. They can choose between and Acting role or a Design role. Therefore the first part of the course allows the pupils to explore one of these roles whilst working on a text. Once the performance for this is complete the pupils then make a choice as to what they would like to do for their final exam and work will begin on this role.

Throughout the year time is dedicated to the written element of the course looking at vocabulary, practice questions and papers.


Component 1 — Practical Exam

The practical exam will have 60 marks (60% of the total mark). The practical exam has two sections.

  • Section 1 will have 50 marks.
    • For the performance in the chosen role of acting or design.
  • Section 2 will have 10 marks (Preparation for Performance).
    • These marks are awarded for a report based on their chosen role and production.

Component 2 — Question Paper

The Exam will have 60 marks (these marks are scaled back to be 40% of the total mark).

  • Section 1 – 20 Marks
    • Discuss the area you were assessed on in the final exam whether it was acting or design and evaluate the final exam.
  • Section 2 – 40 Marks
    • In this section, you must create a play from a selection of given stimuli. Once you have come up with a play you must answer questions on the structure and content of the play as well as how you might stage it.

Total 100 Marks


Pupils final acting exam will be in March, usually around the last two weeks of term before easter.

In January pupils will sit a written prelim only as their practical piece will not be ready to assess. Once a final practical date is given by the SQA a practical prelim date will be set. The pupils will be marked as if it was the exam, marks and feedback will be given to help them achieve their fullest potential.