UCAS Higher Education Exhibition

13th September 2018

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The previous booking code advertised for this event was wrong – please use the code and instructions below.

School/college name: Aberdeen Grammar School
Booked sessions: Tuesday 25 September: 16:30 – 18:30
Group booking reference: UCASBKN139238

  1. Go to www.ucas.com/exhibitions and find the event you are visiting.
  2. Click on the ‘Book now’ button, followed by ‘Join group booking’, then ‘I am a student’.
  3. Enter the group booking reference and click ‘Find’. Your group booking details will be displayed.
  4. Continue completing the form until you see confirmation that your booking has been processed. You will receive an email with a link to your personal ticket, which you’ll need to either print or bring on your phone, to the event.