Careers in the Creative Industries Presentation

14th December 2017

Aberdeen Grammar School welcomed Craig Ellis Head of First Year at Gray’s School of Art.  He came in to speak to a healthy number of pupils from S3 to S5 P1 about careers in the Creative industries and Why go to Art School. Craig then spoke specifically to N5, Higher and Advanced Higher Art & Design pupils P2 up in the Art Department.

This was a very good opportunity to hear about the growth in this industry (19.5% between 2011 – 2015) and that this industry generated £87.4 bn to the economy in 2015. He also explained that 1 in 11 jobs in the UK are in the Creative Economy that’s 9% of all jobs or 2.9 million people and accounts for 6% of all jobs in Scotland.   Craig also highlighted the various roles and occupations associated with the Creative Industries. He then spoke about Grays School of Art.


