Information on the re-opening of school

4th August 2020





On 30 July, The First Minister made a statement in Parliament which intimated that all children and young people would return to school on a full-time basis in August 2020.

Prior to the summer holidays,  we said that we would inform parents/carers during the week beginning 3 August of the arrangements for reopening of the school.  Please find below an updated guide which includes the day and time of an induction session for your child during the week of 10 August.  It is essential that all pupils attend the induction session for their year group in order to  be briefed on hygiene and health and safety practices.  Pupils will also receive a copy of their timetable.

All pupils will return on a full-time basis on Monday 17 August. Further guidelines on pupils’ return to classes will be issued to parents/carers next week.

Induction Week – 10-14 August

All pupils will attend an induction session with their PTPS, as outlined below.  During this session, pupils will be briefed on hygiene and health and safety measures as well as behaviour expectations.

Pupils in S5 and S6 who wish to discuss a course choice change should arrange an appointment  by completing the Google document which can be accessed in the General Year Group and Social Education Google Classrooms from Wednesday 5 August.

During their induction session, S2-S6 pupils should return textbooks which they no longer need so that these may be prepared for re-issue to new classes.

Pupils must wear school uniform during their induction session, as detailed later in this guide.

Pupils must arrive 5 minutes before  their designated start  time and use the following entrances:


Keith & Dun – BACK DOOR – next to canteen




10 August


In-service for Staff

S5-S6 re-coursing by appointment


1330-1550 hours


11 August

Staff Planning and Preparation

S5-S6 re-coursing by appointment


1330-1550 hours


12 August

S1 Induction




S2 Induction


0900-1030 hours (Byron)

0915-1045 hours (Keith & Dun)

0930-1100 hours (Melvin)


1300-1400 hours (Byron)

1315-1415 hours (Keith & Dun)

1330-1430 hours (Melvin)



13 August

S3 Induction




S4 Induction


0900-1000 hours (Byron)

0915-1015 hours (Keith & Dun)

0930-1030 hours (Melvin)


1300-1400 hours (Byron)

1315-1415 hours (Keith & Dun)

1330-1430 hours (Melvin)


14 August

S5 Induction




S6 Induction




Induction of new pupils (S2-S6)

0900-1000 hours (Byron)

0915-1015 hours (Keith & Dun)

0930-1030 hours (Melvin)


1300-1400 hours (Byron)

1315-1415 hours (Keith & Dun)

1330-1430 hours (Melvin)


By appointment



Pupils are expected to wear AGS school uniform during their induction session and from Monday 17 August, as follows – white or blue shirt, black trousers/skirt, black or navy jumper, black shoes.  Pupils do not wear a tie or blazer until further notice. 

We are aiming to reinstate full school uniform by the September holiday weekend. School uniform may now be purchased, online or in store, at Stevenson’s or John Lewis.

Face Coverings

Any pupil wishing to wear a suitable face covering in school will be allowed to do so.

Journey to and from School

Pupils who travel to school by service bus must wear a face covering and observe physical distancing guidelines.

Please note that parents/carers are not permitted in the school grounds to drop off or pick up their child(ren), in accordance with ACC guidelines.

Arrival at School

Pupils will be reminded of the time they have to arrive at school and the entrance they have to use through their Social Education Google Classroom.

Pupils will be required to use hand sanitiser on entering the school building.

Moving around the Building

During Induction Week, pupils will be given information on how to move safely around the school buildings.

At all times, pupils must follow the instructions of staff and adhere to the safety measures which have been put  in place.  This includes the use of hand sanitiser on entry to each classroom.


During Induction Week, canteen facilities will not be available.  Those year groups attending afternoon induction sessions (S2, S4 and S6), should have their lunch before arriving at school.

Vouchers will continue for pupils in receipt of Free School Meals.

Pupils should bring their own water bottles as the school water fountains will not be in use.


Toilet areas will be monitored with a limited number of pupils being allowed access at any one time.

Leaving the School

Following their induction session, all pupils must leave the school grounds immediately.  This will allow the smooth running of multiple induction sessions.

Parental Communication with the School

In accordance with ACC guidelines, parents/carers are not permitted in the school grounds or buildings.  If a parent/carer wishes to talk to a member of school staff, they should telephone the school office (01224 642299) in the first instance.

Pupil Behaviour

At this time, it is particularly important that pupils behave in a safe and responsible manner.  It is essential that all of our young people adhere to hygiene and health and safety practices as explained during the induction sessions.  As such, the highest standards of behaviour are required.

Use of Induction Week for Catch Up

Since March, our S2-S6 pupils have been encouraged and supported to engage in digital learning at home.  All the learning and teaching materials used during this period have been posted in Google Classrooms for each subject.  It is the responsibility of all pupils to ensure that they are up to date with work posted for their subject courses.  Pupils are expected to use the Induction Week to catch up with any outstanding work.  This will allow for continuity of learning and a productive start to classes on Monday, 17 August.

Return to Classes – Parent/Carer Guide

Further guidelines on pupils’ full return to classes will be issued week beginning 10 August.

We are looking forward to welcoming our pupils back to school.